Friday, October 9, 2009

My Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs on my Raw Food Journey

Yesterday and the preceding days leading up to it were a struggle. Not so much a struggle to stay on the raw food diet regimen but I found myself feeling tired and sluggish more and more so as the days progressed forward. I was truly at my wits end. I have no desire for cooked foods anymore which is shocking in and of itself...I guess I'm growing or I've finally just stopped fighting my desire for cooked foods. At the suggestion of my Holistic Health Doctor I decided a lil over a month ago to go raw 100 %. I did a personal private juice fast for 17 days and I loved it. I felt better than ever. I lost 13 pounds or more, I say that because I was well into my juice fast before I weighed and once I weighed I kept track of my weight from there.

I broke the fast not in the traditional way...I kinda dug into a veggie sandwich with my daughter without thinking twice about it. Ok, so the bread was not raw but I have been 100% since that day. Now I'm eating solid food again and I have no appetite. I'm going all day with nothing to eat but a piece of fruit here and there. Some mornings I make a green smoothie and most mornings I don't. I'm also discovering that I'm seriously full after only haven eaten a couple bites. It really didn't bother me until yesterday. I began feeling lite headed and dizzy a couple times throughout the day and that kinda bothered me. However, I'm still not hungry and I haven't eaten at all yet and I still haven't made the connection. I actually began to think it was because I was 100% raw. Hey I'm no longer eating animals and everything I do eat is supposed to have lifeforce in it so why am I feeling sooo bad. I contacted a sistah friend on skype last night to discuss my dismay and she helped me to see that it was because I wasn't eating and it all made since.

I ended my evening close to midnight with a fruit salad. I awakened energized and ready to seize the day. I'm feeling better than ever right now.

Until next time!

Starla J.