Tuesday, April 14, 2009

100 Day Raw Food Challenge

Greetings! Today is the 1st day of the 100 day raw food challenge and I gotta tell you how excited I am about it. I tried it once before never being able to eat 100% raw. When winter arrived, my body craved warm comfort foods like chili, soups and casseroles. I gave into the cravings. I still made my own vegetarian versions. I often vacillate between whether or not being 100% raw is doable long term. It's really difficult to know whether or not certain seasonings, flavorings, spices, etc...are actually raw. In any event, I am committed to this challenge.

A few additional goals for this season:
1.) Drink my daily water requirement
2.) Focus my energy on healing my digestive system
3.) Take 1hr a day to learn something new regarding health & nutrition
4.) Exercise 45 min - 1 hr a day.
5.) Post a daily vlog about my experiences.

Until next time,
Be Blessed!

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