Monday, April 20, 2009

Master Cleanse Day 3

Today I woke up about 5am. I just laid there thinking if I should continue with this fast or break it today. I am really missing food today even though I don't really feel hungry right now, I just miss the joy that eating brings. It's all emotional. I decided to keep going and began my morning with the laxative tea. Once I drank a glass of the lemonade mixture, I began to feel better about not eating. I feel great so far today and I have an abundance of energy.

10:00 AM: I'm still thinking alot about food and I want to eat really bad. I have to remind myself why I choose to do this fast and how it will benefit my body. Besides, I know that eating will make me feel bad not necessarily emotionally but physically.

10:15 AM: I am trying to keep busy doing other things but I keep thinking about eating. Geez, I hate this!!!!

12:00PM: My stomach is growling!

1:30PM: Stomach is rumbling loudly!

3:15PM: I'm experiencing extreme swelling in my lower extremidies. I can only assume the toxins in my body are being released into my blood stream. I'm drinking water to flush my system in addition to the lemonade mixture.

5:47PM: I drank a glass of water and experienced extreme stomach cramping. I was doubled over for about 20 minutes. I'm not sure if i'm going to drink anything else tonight.

7:30PM: Drank more water...more excrutiating abdominal pain. I'm seriously thinking about stopping the fast. I think this cleanse is making my Inflammatory bowel disease episode worse.
I'm going to bed now.


  1. What comes to mind right now is a quote from Thomas Paine, "These are the times that try men's souls." He communicated the idea of revolution. He was not a person who could fine much support because too many people wanted to see a guaranty before they would get on board. He was anti-slavery.

    You are embarking on a different form of emancipation. You are looking to free your mind and body from slavery. The foods we put into our bodies over time are working to destroy us. They make us ill and cause disease. Like Mr. Paine you are supporting a cause that does not get the support that it deserves. It is an alone existence being a trailblazer. You have earned my respect and admiration. Even though your mind and body both tell you to turn back you continue in faith and confidence. You are living life where few people dare to go. On the razor's edge. You are a true champion. Keep up the good work. Fight the good fight. I am so inspired by you. I am so very proud of you. God bless you and keep you forever.

  2. *find...he was not the person who could find much support...
